Author: Bastian Noffer (Page 6 of 7)

Loading SVG images in Xamarin.Forms

hand holds touch screen mobile phone streaming images

As a Xamarin.Forms cross-platform developer I have been using a set of Libraries called FFImageLoading during the past 4 years. However upgrading a customers App to Xamarin.Forms 5.0 brought some unforseen surprises. SVG images that were loading fine with Xamarin.Forms 4.8 were not loading properly and the whole rendering process of the App got effected. After checking with the FFImageLoading Github repository it turned out that the project has not been maintained since late 2019. After digging around I found some alternative solutions, but they were also outdated. So I merged features from the Xamarin.Forms.Svg Library and code from a blog post into a new solution that works with Xamarin.Forms 5.0.

Introducing Xamarin.Forms.Extensions.Svg

The library provides a View Component that renders the SVG images from Embedded Resources of the Shared Projekct via SkiaSharp.

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My personal take on the whole digital store controversy

So what is the digital store controversy? This goes back to the Epic Games vs. Apple lawsuite that I discussed in my podcasts episode 2 back in February. The problem is that as specially in the smartphone and tablet sector you have two dominating platforms iOS by Apple and Android by Google. Both of these platforms come with their own digital software stores the App Store and the Google Play Store. Since these are the default stores most users stick to them, provided they have an option, which they don’t have on iOS. This results in Apple and Google being able to dictate the prices and conditions for sales on these stores, which is not great when it comes to competition and competitive pricing.

Epic Games is suing Apple over these conditions and ideally would like to bring their Epic Games Store, a competitor to Valve Software’s Steam Store, Electronic Arts Origin Store on Windows PC, to iOS. This lawsuit already is digging up a lot of interesting information about the industry. And I am not saying that an open market would not be beneficial as specially to us developers and the consumer at large.

The main problem for me goes a bit deeper than this general idea of the open market since we are talking about different categories of devices when we talk about digital stores. Why does the type of device matter in this discussion? – You will probably ask, since the functionality of a store and the associated business models should be the same.

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BNOTECHCAST Episode 5: Quo vadis cross-platform development

Quo vadis cross-platform developmentThis episode has been a long time coming. Originally planned for March 21st of this year health issues and me changing jobs got it delayed until today. I am not sure if I will be able to pick up the weekly episode schedule that I originally intended, but I will try to have episoded released more regularly.

The episode will premiere again on Youtube today at 8:00 pm CEST and Spreaker, as well as your favorite podcast platforms, at 8:30 pm CEST.

Show notes for today:

In the past 4 years I worked in cross-platform mobile development and viewing this space evolve during that time got me thinking where this would be going in the future. Then during the first weeks of starting a new job I had to work on comparing different cross-platform frameworks putting a whole new perspective to the discussion. I am proposing some ideas in this episode and would love to get into a discussion with the development community on this, so feel free to share the episode and comment below.



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BNOTECHCAST Episode 4: Being visually impaired as a software engineer

Being visually impaired as a software engineerFirst of all starting today you can find us on the LBRY Network and on, completing our video channels for now.

In todays Episode, which will premier on Youtube at 8pm CET and hit the podcast sites at 8:30 pm CET, I will be discussing my experience as a handicaped individual as a software engineer.

Here are the show notes:

I did not bring this up initially, but as viewers of the video version of this podcast have probably noticed, I am visually impaired. In this episode of the podcast I am going to discuss my experience in the technology industry with a handicap and give advice to young people with handicaps that are thinking about a technology career. In case you want to provide feedback on this episode head over to or E-Mail us at



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BNOTECHCAST Episode 3: Should you become a technology professional?

Should you become a technology professional?Tomorrow at 8 pm CET our next episode of the BNOTECHCAST will premiere on Youtube and on 8:30 pm it will hit your favorite podcasting platforms.

Here the upcoming episodes description:

We are in the time of year again where many young people are about to graduate and ask themselves if a career as a technology professional would be the right choice. In this episode I will discuss the pros and cons and give my perspective on which career paths could be the right one for you. In case you want to provide feedback on this episode head over to or E-Mail us at



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BNOTECHCAST Episode 3 Preview

This weeks episode will again release at 8 pm CET on Youtube as Premiere and will hit the Podcast networks at 8:30 pm CET.

In this episode I will discuss if and why you should consider a career in the technology sector. If that sound interesting to you check out this weeks episode wonce it releases.

You can find information on how to listen to our program here and here.

BNOTECHCAST Episdoe 2: Personal Computing in transition

Personal Computing in transitionToday at 8 pm CET our next episode of the BNOTECHCAST will premiere on Youtube and on 8:30 pm it will hit your favorite podcasting platforms.

Here is todays episodes description:

This episode explores changes in the personal computing sector that have started back in 2019 and have accelerated in 2020. These changes will impact businesses and consumers alike. Lets watch these developments together and discuss the implications. In case you want to provide feedback on this episode head over to or E-Mail us at


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How to listen?

After our initial episode went live on Spreaker we started distributing the episode to various podcasting services. Some are still penidng and we will update you here on the status. Once everyting is online the direct links will be made available on a “Where to listen?” page.

Apple has already approved the Podcast, however it is not yet visible on the Podcasts App. The sync to is also pending.

We will keep you updated!

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